Ever since Victoria Beckham came across the pond, women all over, have tried to imitate her look. I have seen all face-shapes and body types try to do this look, and to be honest, it doesn't work on just anyone. Lucky, all that have done it in Hollywood, have done it successfully. Even Jenny McCarthy, who claims she had the coveted hair style before the posh one, looks lovely in a slightly longer version. I've seen it all through Fall'07 through now. Going into Spring now and then Summer weather, are we ready to let it go? With the warm-weather trends like the safari pieces and the hippie chic looks, we should let it hang long and loose. I'm not a big fan of above-shoulder-hair in general. For summer, I love longer hair with soft curls, a good faux tan, and a bit of bronzer. Basically anything long is o.k. by me, for a sizzling summer night. What do you think? Should we retire the bob for Summer '08? Gucci's Spring/Summer 2008 collection was accompanied by models with long loose hair.
1 comment:
i think its definitely time to move on from the bob. as a general rule, any hairstyle resembling that of zac efron is certainly not chic.
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